Take Ten: Ten Tools, Ten Steps, Ten Minutes

Author: Andrew Allen Moore

Edition: 2 (Kindle Edition) Also available in paperback.

"Take Ten" provides a practical guide to help you take more control, achieve more, feel happier and have a greater influence over your own destiny. In 10 simple steps, it describes how to turn your dreams into practical, achievable goals and explains how you can disrupt negative thinking and an inclination to give up by surrounding your efforts with encouraging feelings, beliefs and support.

In this book, Andrew Allen Moore presents effortless techniques in a simple and accessible format, with the addition of helpful worksheets, to aid you in building a firm foundation for success. The practical information presented in this book provides essential reading for anyone needing help to cope with the modern world, and those just wanting to be able to achieve more and move forward in life.

Take Ten

Discover how to turn dreams into reality

Converting your dreams into practical goals that you can attain isn't always straight-forward. You will need to analyse your dreams carefully, to find out what feelings and reasons are behind them. Learn how to write goals that will satisfy your innermost desires.

Find out how to write goals that will be successful

Your goals must be practical if they are to be attainable and this can only be achieved if you can be very specific about what you want and measure your progress towards it. Learn how to write goals that are not vague or too general.

Learn how to plan a strategy for success

Your goals must be broken down into small action steps, which may include working on side-issues before you can move forward. Learn how to take small steps that ensure your own progress in manageable stages.

Discover why goals fail

Ignoring how you really feel about your goals is the downfall of many virtuous attempts to improve ourselves. Acknowledging your fears and feelings is the first step to succeeding. Learn how to develop a strategy to disrupt, or otherwise deal with, any negative feelings which drive your behaviour.

Find out what you really believe

Ascertain what you currently believe and then consider what new beliefs you need to acquire in order to achieve your goals and become a new you. Learn how to write new beliefs that will alter the way you feel about attaining your goals.

Determine what support you need

Any new beliefs must be supported by facts and evidence in order to hold fast. Learn how to find the references you need to support your new beliefs that will ensure you feel good about attaining your goals.

"Take Ten" is now available on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk (and all of Amazon's other foreign sites) as an e-book for the Kindle.

Take Ten

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Also available in PAPERBACK from the Amazon website. Simply click on the 'Downlod Your Copy Here' link above, and make your selection.

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